Thyroid & Parathryoid Surgery

Thyroid and parathyroid surgery is a specialised field that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment and surgical management of conditions affecting the thyroid and parathyroid glands. The thyroid gland regulates metabolism, while the parathyroid glands regulate calcium levels in the body. Surgery may be necessary to remove abnormal growths or address conditions that affect the normal functioning of these glands.

Common thyroid and parathyroid surgery conditions, causes, symptoms and treatment options are outlined below.

  • Causes: Benign growths, thyroid adenomas, thyroid cysts, thyroid cancer.
  • Symptoms: Neck swelling, palpable lump, difficulty swallowing or breathing.
  • Treatment options: Observation, fine-needle aspiration biopsy, thyroidectomy (partial or total removal of the thyroid gland), radioactive iodine therapy, thyroid hormone replacement.
  • Causes: Graves’ disease, toxic multinodular goiter (Plummer’s disease), thyroiditis.
  • Symptoms: Increased heart rate, weight loss, anxiety, tremors, heat intolerance.
  • Treatment options: Antithyroid medications, radioactive iodine therapy, thyroidectomy.
  • Causes: Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, previous thyroid surgery or radioactive iodine treatment.
  • Symptoms: Fatigue, weight gain, cold intolerance, depression, dry skin.
  • Treatment options: Thyroid hormone replacement therapy.
  • Causes: Exposure to radiation, genetic factors.
  • Symptoms: Lump in the neck, hoarseness, difficulty swallowing, enlarged lymph nodes.
  • Treatment options: Thyroidectomy, radioactive iodine therapy, external beam radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy.
  • Causes: Benign parathyroid adenomas, parathyroid hyperplasia.
  • Symptoms: Elevated calcium levels, kidney stones, bone pain, fatigue, abdominal pain.
  • Treatment options: Parathyroidectomy (removal of abnormal parathyroid glands), medication.
  • Causes: Rare genetic conditions, radiation exposure.
  • Symptoms: Elevated calcium levels, fatigue, bone pain, weight loss.
  • Treatment options: Parathyroidectomy, radiation therapy, chemotherapy.

It’s important to note that the field of thyroid and parathyroid surgery encompasses various other conditions and treatment options. The specific approach to diagnosis and treatment may vary depending on individual patient factors, including the nature and extent of the condition. Consultation with a qualified thyroid and parathyroid surgeon is necessary for proper evaluation, diagnosis and management of these conditions.

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Appointments & Enquiries

Dr Takako Eva Yabe is a Specialist Head & Neck Surgeon with expertise in thyroid and parathyroid surgery.

She has undertaken sub-specialised training in reconstructive microsurgery at the prestigious St George’s Hospital in London, UK.  Dr Yabe is an integral member of the Illawarra Shoalhaven Head & Neck multidisciplinary cancer team focussed on providing patients and their families the best care.  She operates in Wollongong in both private and public hospitals. If you have a thyroid or parathyroid condition that you are concerned about, please get in touch and make a booking.